Conozca Sus Derechos / Know Your Rights Workshop
We are hosting a Know Your Rights Workshop in collaboration with SIREN (Services, Immigrant Rights and Education Network) for families on Tuesday, January 14th, at 6:15 PM at Burbank. Please feel free to share this invitation with your school communities—everyone is welcome!
This workshop is designed to educate our immigrant community on their rights and will cover important topics such as:
What to do if immigration agents come to your home
How to respond to questions from immigration authorities or police
How to protect yourself and your family
We will not have a sign-in sheet or record attendance to ensure a safe and comfortable environment.
Un taller que educará a nuestra comunidad inmigrante sobre sus derechos. El taller cubrirá temas como qué hacer si los agentes de inmigración llegan a su casa, cómo responder a las preguntas de las autoridades de inmigración o la policía y cómo protegerse a usted y a su familia.
En Diciembre de 2016, La Mesa Directiva de Educación del Distrito Escolar Unificado de Hayward aprobó la Resolución No. 1617-26, una resolución de escuelas santuario. La Resolución de Escuelas Santuario asegura que cada sitio escolar sea un lugar seguro para todos los estudiantes y familias.
A workshop that will educate our immigrant community on their rights. The workshop will cover topics such as what to do if immigration agents come to your home, how to respond to questions from immigration authorities or police, and how to protect yourself and your family.
In December 2016, the Board of Education of the Hayward Unified School District (HUSD) passed Resolution No. 1617-26, a Sanctuary Schools Resolution. The Sanctuary Schools Resolution ensures that every school site is a safe place for all students and families.